The First IRCEB held in 11–12 December 2017 aimed at presenting current research being undertaken in the areas of economics and business. Professor Claudio Morana (Milan State University) and Associate Professor Rubi Ahmad (Faculty of Business and Accounting University of Malaya) gave keynote speeches at the conference. Prospective authors were cordially invited to submit full papers for oral presentation located at Atria Hotel Malang, Indonesia. All the accepted papers are published in KnE Publishing indexed by Web Of Science.

The conference topic are: Accounting, economics education, business ethics, change management, consumer behaviour, corporate finance, corporate governance, economic development, economic policy, education, entrepreneurship, investment, financial economics, global business, human resource management, international business, international economics, international finance, management information systems, marketing research and strategy, marketing theory and applications, organizational behaviour and theory, production/operations management, small business management, and strategic management.